
Showing posts from August, 2024


Why do you seem missing now,  has the desire to meet in love ended,  why do you seem like a wanderer now, have your eyes settled on someone else's picture,  why do you seem like a longing now,  has my heart reached your heart?  The echo has ended,  why do you look colorless now,  has the importance of my color ended now?

Ask For you

 What should I ask for…  time to meet you,  you keep flowing like a river, we too will keep giving way to you by cutting across the banks.  Should I ask... The moment of journey with you,  you keep appearing in front of me like some destination,  we will keep moving as travelers searching for the way.  What should I tell you about my love for you,  you keep beating like my heart,  we will keep living together like bodies.


Now I will bid farewell to the procession of memories,  I will decorate my dreams,  I will lay down my body on the bed of youth,  I will light the fire of anger and  I will decorate the funeral pyre,  I will merge myself with the five elements, I will forget I and I.  Let me pay my last respects,  I will bid farewell to the procession of memories.

Learn from River

 River... I have to learn from you to flow continuously,  to find a new path whenever the path gets blocked,  and at the same time,  I have to learn from you to find my own way by cutting stones, River... I want to learn from you to flow continuously. River... You are not selfish,  you are not arrogant,  you dust off all the sins,  but you are not dirty,  you are a little bit playful,  but you are not arrogant,  you are so pure,  you are not even the least bit destructive. 

Now Ask

 Now you ask the winds...  My condition, my status,  my personality,  perhaps we will no longer  be held accountable. Now search for me  by keeping me in your eyes,  my pictures, my magic,  my voice, my dress,  perhaps we will not meet. Now you can meet us in your dreams.. sometimes in the middle of the road, sometimes in a closed lane,  sometimes on the roof,  sometimes in the parade ground,  perhaps even if our dreams are broken,  we will not meet.


I had a wish to call you mine, Your hands would be in mine, Your steps would walk with mine, Your smile would not fall from my lips, Your sorrows would spill from my eyes, Your shadow would cover my body, I had a wish to call you mine. I had a wish to decorate you myself, I would make you sleep on my shoulders, Taking your palm in my palm, The lines of fate and heart would meet, I had a wish to make you mine. I had a wish to come to your city to meet you, I would get a bracelet from the goldsmith and put it on your hand, I would take you around your city with me, I would call you mine. I had a wish that my name would be mentioned in your talks, I had a wish that my concern would come to your mind, I had a wish that when my eyes get wet, I would get my tears wiped with your hands, I had a wish to call you mine.  Well...this wish is just a wish, It cannot become a reality, You got so angry with me that you cannot be mine, I call you mine and you accept me, My luck cannot be so good, If i